Corbell Leaks Navy footage of Pyramid UAPs - Breakdown by Paul ] - OT Chan Live-393-Pt2

2021-04-11 29

Part 2 of 3
#Pyramids #tr3b #navy #triangles #alien #aliens

1) Gen Chat
2) Initial Leaked Video of Craft from Navy
3) Paul researches Military Drones to find
4 that look like a TR3b . one very small
and 2 very big 10 men size drone craft
could it be one of these in this video?
Killer bee drone?
4) A 2021 Article about DARPAs new Tic Tac
shaped Hypersonic Drone that has little wings
like was filmed in Nimitz and Gimbal videos
is this proof its DARPA behind these craft
and not Aliens this time?
5) A Watch of Mick Wests Explanation video
of this new Navy footage
6) Paul talks camera tech and artifacts again
this focusing more Bokeh;s - Apertures
triangle to 12 blades and how zooming works
and could back up Mick's claims of night vision
objects. (will expand if make chapters)

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group see join link in the about tab or banner bar and here as well,

Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

note! visit my youtube channel for the source videos and links
how you can support me if like what I do.. you guys make it possible
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ALL footage used is under FAIR USE!